La Granda & Curtice Brothers

The values of good, clean and fair are the three principles at the base of a close collaboration between La Granda and Curtice Brothers: two interesting and prepared gastronomic realities, two companies deeply rooted in the idea of quality, two enterprises dedicated to the culture of food.


La Granda born from an idea of Sergio Capaldo, buiatrics veterinary and Slow Food zootechnical responsible, whose goal is to enhance the native strain of the Piedmontese Breed beef. Together with his farmers who represent the roots of the territory, Dr. Capaldo with the Consortium La Granda has given life to a revolutionary project able to strictly tie the earth to the plate for the entire animal supply chain. La Granda wisely take care of the earth to produce a better meat. This circle generates a virtuous food chain in which every element comes out enriched more and more: the earth, the animal and man as well. La Granda protects four different essential skills, vital to obtain a quality product: agricultural, livestock, carving and culinary. A kitchen that enhances quality in simplicity, a path of collective growth at the service of the food supply chain.

Curtice Brothers comes from a simple question: what really ketchup is? Wikipedia responds with a brief description and an advertising image of Curtice Brothers dating back to 1868. So Mario C. Bauer and his team, captured from a feeling of nostalgia but without particular intentions, recover the story of that brand with a romantic allure. They decide to follow the same path and become the “new Curtice Brothers”. Its ketchup is presented in a vintage dress, but completely renewed in its quality, without any compromise: it is organic, made with 77% of real fresh tomatoes, produced only with local ingredients and cooked in Tuscany; it also has 50% less sugar and 55% less salt, no gluten neither lactose.

Passion and patience in the fields, in the stable and in the kitchen are the right ingredients for a quality product for both La Granda and Curtice Brothers. Therefore, by combining products, quality is not only added, but multiplied. Very soon European tables and streets will be enlivened by Emilia’s tigelle stuffed with meatballs of Piedmontese Breed beef – Slow Food Presidium – La Granda  and Ketchup Curtice Brothers. And, for those who prefer white meat instead, there will be the “Aspic”, prepared chicken and turkey meat flavoured with tasty pistachios and selected vegetables, served warm with a sublime Curtice Brothers’ Ketchup. It is not just “ciccia” (flab) as they would call it in Tuscany, the production site of the famous ketchup.

It is not just a condiment. La Granda and Curtice Brothers represent an understanding, a new way of producing, communicating and enjoying food!

La Granda & Curtice Brothers

La Granda & Curtice Brothers

La Granda & Curtice Brothers

La Granda & Curtice Brothers

La Granda & Curtice Brothers

La Granda & Curtice Brothers